Membership is open to anyone with an interest in vernacular architecture. The group currently has approximately 200 members.
Annual subscription is £12 per person, due on 1 January each year. Membership benefits include:
- A copy of the annual journal, Yorkshire Buildings.
- Four Newsletters per year.
- The opportunity to attend all YVBSG events, some of which may be open to members and guests only. A discount on the event fee is sometimes available to members.
- Online access to more than 1,900 building reports.
- Online access to over 200 articles from back issues of Yorkshire Buildings.
To join, either:
- Print out and complete the Membership Application Form, and send it with your cheque (payable to YVBSG) to:
Dr Pat Leggett, 11 Lonsdale Meadows, Boston Spa, West Yorkshire LS23 6DQ.
If you would like to pay by bank transfer, please email Pat on for details.
- Or, if you would prefer to complete an online membership application form, please email Pat on for a link to the form.